Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Back from the Dead

Then Jesus shouted, "Lazarus, come forth!"... I'm back from the dead!!

Colossians 1:27 ..."Christ in you, the hope of Glory"... or another way to read this would be, "Christ in me is my confident expectation of God's view and opinion of me!"

I played basketball growing up, it pretty much was my life in high school. I was super competitive and really HATED to lose. I was probably one of the biggest babies when I lost especially if I didnt' play good. I wouldn't talk to anyone, and I would question what i could of done better to win or play better. But what I will always remember is my mom after every game. I don't care how much we lost by or how bad I played she was always there to tell me, "cey, you played really good", or "You were the best player out there". Of course my first comment back to her was "what game were you watching?"... But looking back she was developing my confidence and my self worth. Because after she would tell me that, and I quit crying, I would think "well maybe i didn't play that bad". I give credit to times like that in developing my self worth.

My thought is... How much more is God telling us that? Can you imagine how much God is wanting HIS view and HIS opinion to be established in you and it to become your reality! Even Jesus needed his self worth established Matthew 3:17 " And a voice from heaven said, " this my beloved son, in whom i'm well pleased". Can you imagine God saying that to you, "This is my beloved son (insert name), in whom i'm well pleased".... Thats what He IS saying and that's how He feels towards you. The bible says to write these truths on your hearts, because out of your heart flows the issues of life. Grab ahold of who and what God thinks and feels towards you because it affects every area of your life, it allows God's ability to overtake you and He become's reality in your life!